Thursday, February 3, 2011

Son et lumiere

 It's a staple of the movie world, but it is interesting how well sound (well, in this case, music) and images go together.
 Just cutting together the trailer  gave some good practice in doing things in Final Cut Pro, but it also reinforced the idea that fitting images and music together, in some coherent, related fashion, increases the effectiveness of both. Actually, it probably has more impact on one's interpretation of the images- in this case, they're not perhaps the most emotionally charged images to start off with- than it does on the music. But they do work well together.
 Today sees all of the animation sequences stitched together, along with the soundtrack- not unsuprisingly, Holst's "Planets" suite. The interesting thing was that the animations were designed, timed and rendered without direct reference to the soundtrack... so it's been a matter of ordering, shortening, lengthening, and cropping the video to suit selections from the suite.
 I think the process has worked- FC is now happily writing a test output video so I can review how well it's gone. There may well be some minor timing issues to fix, but I don't anticipate anything major.
After that, it'll be adding titles, and some elements to the audio track. Ah, and any filters or other video effects that might be useful...

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