Friday, January 28, 2011

Tempting teaser

 The trailer for the Fringe show is now available on YouTube (
Best viewing is to be had by selecting 720HD for the video size, although it will take longer to load.
 This version's not in 3D... I know that YouTube can present stereo content in various formats, so we may make another version of the trailer to be presented in stereo, if time permits.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Time for the timeline

 Rendering of content for the show is all but complete. The remaining one that I want to do is a re-render of an Earth sequence, this time using reflective oceans for a better-looking result. It'll then just be a case of replacing the current version with the new version in the files list that Final Cut Pro is using for the video's timeline, and all will be schmick.
 I've finished the trailer... just need to get it OK'd and it can go live on the interwebs.
 Next task is to start editing the final video together from all the renders and the soundtrack. Doing the trailer has been very useful in learning how to do things in FC Pro, so that task should be fairly straightforward.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Follow that muse

 When inspiration strikes, you've got to take that train. Whilst developing a possible publicity image, a new scene for the Earth sequence presented itself... which meant stopping and then modifying the currently-rendering scene to change its timing and structure... which all leads, I reckon, to a better overall sequence for the Earth part of the show.
 It's late at night, and I can see a full moon near the meridian shining through the window, so I really should be sleeping- but it should be worth it.
 The other news for today involves the initially slightly irksome but ultimately rewarding translation of Premiere Pro editing skills to Final Cut Pro. Conceptually much the same, but different in details. Who would have thought that inserting a slug is the same as dropping in some black video into the time-line?
Not me, but now I know better.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Another evening's worth of renders and scene generation. One sequence render completed and backed-up; new scene rendering right now, another to start in the morning.
Getting there.
 It's getting tantalisingly close to the rendering of the last animation sequence... there are a few yet to be done, but they are the last ones and soon post-production of the entire film can start.
 We should have a trailer up on YouTube soon, so keep an eye open for that. And- just in case you're wondering- it won't be in 3D, so you'll have to come along to a show to enjoy the full experience.

Tickets are now on sale!

Purchase your tickets, or register your school group for 'The journey home: an interactive guide to the solar system in 3D' through Fringe Tix. 'The Journey Home' is YEP registered and special prices are available for groups of 6 or more.

eResearch SA announces "The journey home: an interactive guide to the solar system in 3D"

I am pleased to announce that eResearch SA will be presenting a 50-minute show at the 2011 Adelaide Fringe called 'The Journey home: an interplanetary guide to the solar system in 3D.' The show features an interactive question-and answer session and a 20-minute film, both in 3D. 

The Journey home builds on a continuing collaboration with the Museum of South Australia, which aims to highlight the educational applications of 3D visualisation technologies, by taking school groups on a '3D tour' of the solar system in our purpose built Visualisation Lab.