Thursday, January 20, 2011

Follow that muse

 When inspiration strikes, you've got to take that train. Whilst developing a possible publicity image, a new scene for the Earth sequence presented itself... which meant stopping and then modifying the currently-rendering scene to change its timing and structure... which all leads, I reckon, to a better overall sequence for the Earth part of the show.
 It's late at night, and I can see a full moon near the meridian shining through the window, so I really should be sleeping- but it should be worth it.
 The other news for today involves the initially slightly irksome but ultimately rewarding translation of Premiere Pro editing skills to Final Cut Pro. Conceptually much the same, but different in details. Who would have thought that inserting a slug is the same as dropping in some black video into the time-line?
Not me, but now I know better.

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